Featured in New EBook: Encounters with Whales by Wade Doak


Excerpt: 'After just a few seconds in the water, an animal approached me, turning its head towards me. I did not hear any clicks but I was sure I had been scanned for identification. I was not scared at all. Instead I felt awe and a deep initial trust. As the animals seemed to be at rest, this was the ideal time for a video recording as I was still able to see the big picture.
While orca are foraging, it can become quite hectic. Active animals are great when your purpose is photography and filmmaking; however, if you want to get an idea of how killer whales react to close approaches by human swimmers and divers, then when the animals are resting is the ideal time. The orcas were probably wondering about the little red LED they could see flashing on my camera and why my heart was racing....'

The EBook is now available on Amazon.com:
